Pandemic Crazy

By Dreena
2 min readDec 1, 2020
My son Jahseh and I.

I am new at this whole blogging thing. I don’t even know where to begin. I have learned from my many google searches and Introduction to Fiction writing class, write what you know. What I know right now. In this vary moment. I am pandemic crazy.

Just a month before the pandemic hit, I was having my first borns baby shower. I never thought I would go into labor in the midst of the crazy toilet paper outage. Being a first time mom, in a pandemic definitely put a damper on precious moments. My son is now 8 months old and has yet to meet his family. Balancing working from home, going to school, being a mom, all full time is very challenging.

On top of adjusting to the new normal. My family gets hit with a bomb shell. My mother in law’s passing. She only met her grandson once. For a total of 20 minutes. Now the pandemic is worse. The virus is getting closer and closer to you everyday. The anxiety of, what if I get it? What if my baby gets it?

With all the crazyness that has been my life for the past 8 months, I forgot how to take care of myself. There is just no time. I am overwhelmed. I feel like I am always taking care of someone. So I stay up till 1:00 am just to get that ounce of me time.

My fiance brought to my attention the other day, we used to do so much. We would always go out and do something. Now all we do is stay home. I have to remind him, we are in a pandemic. That doesn’t mean he is wrong. Before, I really didn’t think we went out that much. I always thought of us as home bodies. Thinking about it now, we were always with a friend. We went to the movies every couple of months. We would drive down town and cruise, sometimes park and just walk around.

Its crazy how sometimes you just don’t know what you got, till it is gone. What this pandemic has taught me is to not take life for granted. Appreciate every moment. I have learned that it’s ok to step away and take a break if I need it. I can’t take care of mini human if I can’t take care of myself. I am excited to start writing, and to use this platform to hold myself accountable for self-care. Sometimes we all need a kick in the butt for us to make a change. If I am being honest this whole pandemic gave us ALL a kick in the butt.



By Dreena

Full time mom. Aspiring Teacher and Writer. Getting out of my comfort zone scares the hell out of me. So I am jumping head first. Soon to be Blogger.